Please find below the information on abstract submissions for the (postponed) 2021 event. Further information is planned to be communicated by December 2021.
Presentations are invited on the following topics related to the conference theme:
Session 1. Improving genetic merit for enhanced efficiency and preserve the goat biodiversity
- Utilization and conservation of local breeds
- Population and landscape genetics
- Breeding goats for the future
- Implementing new technologies in goat breeding
Session 2. Current and emerging health issues for goat production
- Monitoring and improving goat health
- Managing udder health
- Improving health and survival of kids
- Control of infectious / production-limiting diseases
- Drug resistance and alternative parasite control
- Nutraceuticals for goats
Session 3. Goat production systems of the future
- Animal care and comfort: improving goat welfare
- Shifts in production systems
- Precision agriculture in goat farming
- Interface between wildlife and goat herding
- Objectives, challenges, and regulations in a diversity of goat production systems
Session 4. Optimization of feeding and nutrition
- Water availability and quality
- Low-cost and sustainable supplementation
- Feeding behaviour in different ecosystems
- Kid nutrition and feeding
- Prevention and control of nutritional diseases
- Recent changes in programming goat nutrition
Session 5. Environment, climate change and goats
- Environmental stress factors
- Reducing greenhouse emission
- Environmental sustainability
- Goats and ecological services
- Life cycle analysis of goat products
Session 6. Recent research and current advances in goat products
- Small scale and large scale manufacturing
- Omics approach to goat products
- Health benefits of goat food products
- Prevention of public health hazards
- Recent advances in non-food goat products
Session 7. Market and societal avenues
- Small scale and large scale commercial organization
- Strategies of local and small-scale production chains
- New markets for goat products
Round tables
- Transferring genomic technologies to breeding and commercial farms
- The future of goat skin and fibre production
- Gender considerations in goat farming and processing
- Best practices for national goat associations
- An update on the control / eradication of epizootic diseases (PPR, blue tongue, sheep and goat pox, caprine pleuropneumonia, Brucella melitensis, CAEV/retroviruses)
- Agro-tourism and goat farming – sustainability of rural areas
- Post anthelmintic era: how to implement the concept of integrated control to gastrointestinal parasites?
- Models and tools for development and transfer of appropriate technology to small and resource-limited farmers
- Traditional reproduction management and assisted reproduction technologies
- Elucidating diets consumed at pasture
- Good goat science
Abstract submission
Interested applicants must submit an abstract for oral presentation or poster via the
registration and abstract submissions will be available via an online registration system
no later than 1 April 2021.
Authors should indicate their preference for presentation type (oral or poster) and indicate which topic (listed above) their paper addresses. One person can submit one oral and/or poster presentation as presenting author. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
The official language of the conference is English.
Abstracts must not exceed 400 words in length excluding title, authors and affiliations. Please make sure, that no references, tables and/or figures are presented in the abstract.
Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used, the results, and the author’s discussion and conclusions. Results should be presented and discussed in sufficient detail to support conclusions drawn.
Reviewers will reject abstracts that are not supported by data. Reviewers will decide whether abstracts are accepted (with amendments or revision, if necessary) and, if accepted, whether they should be oral presentations or posters. They will also assign oral presentations to the most appropriate sessions of the conference, and they will select abstracts for full paper presentations.
Decisions made by the Scientific Committee about acceptance/rejection of the abstracts is final.
Please, click here to download the ICG2020 Abstract Guidelines with sample in Microsoft Word .docx
Information about the final decision will be sent via e-mail no later than 15 May 2021. All accepted abstracts will be published in the abstract book.
Based on the reviewers’ proposals the Scientific Committee will make the final selection of abstracts to develop full paper versions to be published. We are planning to offer selected full papers in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, “Small Ruminant Research”
The template for full papers will be available on 15 May 2021.
Deadline for full paper submission: 01 June 2021.
Important dates:
01 April 2021 – Deadline for abstracts submission
15 May 2021 – Notification of abstracts
15 May 2021 – Template for full papers
31 May 2021 – Deadline for early bird registration
31 May 2021 – Deadline for corrected abstracts
01 June 2021 – Deadline for full paper submission